February 2, 2023

Focusing on the Family can Increase Patient Throughput

In this white paper, we will explore the importance of clear communication with family members in improving bed turnover and overall patient throughput.


Patient throughput is a critical aspect of hospital operations. Hospitals aim to provide quality care to patients while ensuring that they can move through the hospital as quickly and efficiently as possible. Clear communication with family members, especially near discharge, can play a critical role in improving patient throughput, specifically in terms of bed turnover. In this white paper, we will explore the importance of clear communication with family members in improving bed turnover and overall patient throughput.


Bed turnover is a critical aspect of hospital operations. It refers to the process of cleaning, preparing, and turning over a bed after a patient is discharged. Bed turnover time can significantly impact patient throughput, as longer turnover times can result in delays in admitting new patients, increased wait times for patients, and increased costs for hospitals. Efficient bed turnover is essential in ensuring that hospitals can provide quality care to patients while also optimizing their use of resources.

Clear communication with family members can play a crucial role in improving bed turnover and overall patient throughput. When family members are well-informed and prepared, they can help to ensure that the patient is ready for discharge, so that the next patient can be admitted as quickly as possible.

Why Clear Communication is Important

Clear communication with family members is essential in improving bed turnover and overall patient throughput for several reasons:

Family members can help prepare the patient for discharge

Family members can play an essential role in preparing the patient for discharge. When family members are well-informed about the patient's care plan, they can help to ensure that the patient is ready for discharge and that any necessary arrangements are in place, such as transportation or follow-up appointments. This can help to reduce the time that the patient spends in the hospital and improve bed turnover.

Clear communication can help reduce delays and wait times

When family members are well-informed and prepared, they can help to ensure that the patient is ready for discharge. This can help to reduce delays in discharging the patient and admitting the next patient, which can lead to shorter wait times for following patients and improved patient throughput.

Best Practices for Communicating with Family Members

To improve bed turnover and overall patient throughput through clear communication with family members, healthcare providers should follow these best practices:

Involve family members in the discharge process

Involve family members in the discharge process by providing them with information about the patient's care plan and any necessary arrangements, such as transportation or follow-up appointments. This can help to ensure that the patient is ready for discharge and that the room is properly cleaned and prepared.

Use clear, simple language.

Use clear, simple language when communicating with family members. Avoid medical jargon and technical terms that may be confusing or intimidating. Instead, use plain language and explain any unfamiliar terms or concepts.

Provide written, or digital materials

Provide family members with written materials that summarize the patient's care plan and any necessary arrangements. This can help to ensure that family members have a clear understanding of what is expected of them and can refer back to the materials as needed. Digital materials can be even more effective as there is no risk of losing or damaging the documents, like there is with printed materials. Furthermore, digital documents have the ability to link to other resources and websites in an attempt to share as much information as possible with the reader.


Clear communication with family members, especially near discharge, can play a critical role in improving patient throughput, specifically in terms of bed turnover. When family members are well-informed and prepared, they can help to ensure that the patient is ready for discharge, that the room is properly cleaned and prepared, and that the next patient can be admitted as quickly as possible. By following best practices for communicating with family members, healthcare providers can improve bed turnover and overall patient throughput, leading to shorter wait times for patients and optimized use of hospital resources. Ultimately, effective communication with family members can help hospitals to provide quality care to patients while also maximizing their efficiency and effectiveness.